Here I am...this is me

Thursday, February 02, 2006

trying it again

It's time again for a new blog to begin. I have done a diary-x and actually somewhere have another blog. However, I am going to stick with it this time! I'm guessing a few weeks from now, when I haven't updated, and only have two entries, I'll be kicking myself in the butt...but for now I'm optomistic!I am inspired by my sister to start this blog back up. She lives in Boston and we hardly see each other more than once or twice a year, if we're lucky. Things with her and my family has been less than desirable lately...but I guess that's to be expected when she's been going through a divorce. It has challenged me in so many ways, and given me a new view on the world, and on my sister. I had always thought of her as my amazing invincible big sister. She's 11 years older than me, and in my eyes had never done anything wrong in her life. Now, I realize more than ever that she's human too. I'm okay with that--although my parents seem to have a hard time with it. Usually I just have to put on my listening ears with my mom, and tell her everything is going to be fine. Sometimes, I wish I could just fast-forward in time and have my MA in Social Work so I could be good at counseling others and helping them through their problems. I guess my family is my best way to practice until I get the degree.
Other than the drama surrounding my family, I have been focusing most of my time on school, homework, and working. I go home every other weekend to work and try to see my boyfriend. TRY is the key word in that sentence. It's almost like our job has it out for us, considering we tend to get scheduled completely opposite shifts. He blames it on me, I blame it on the system. Matt, my boyfriend is 24 almost 25, I'm 20, and in June will finally hit that landmark we all wait for, 21! He isn't in school and is the assistant grocery manager at CUB Foods at home. I think my parents pretend they don't have a problem with that, but I know they do. I guess I just have to deal with it. I love him, and he loves me...and perhaps love is blind, but for me, I think that's crap because I don't think school or age should ever define who someone is.
Let's see, I'm still on the endless quest to lose weight and get healthy. After a disappointing last semester with my roommates and me not really getting along, and me not really caring, I found myself about 10 pounds heavier than I was in August, and very sad. So, instead of crying about it, I decided it was time to make a change. And that I have. My new roommates and I have started a program "Fit in 402" and have also been participating in the fitness challenge put on by my apartment complex. As of last night, I have lost 4 pounds over the last 2 weeks and I couldnt' be happier. I have working out pretty much 5 times a week, and limiting my caloric intake to about 1500 calories a day. This is probably all mumbo-jumbo to you--but for me it's been exciting and amazing to watch my body transform. I don't really think the scale is always the best measurer of success. My $98 jeans I bought in October need a belt to keep them up (sucks to be me!) and even with the belt they are not the best fit anymore. And, I am finally fitting into jeans I hadn't been able to put on in about 6 months. My ultimate goal, and the image I picture in my mind when I am running or doing crunchies and want to give up, is me looking cute and thinner in the bar on my 21st birthday. My goal weight is about ultimately about 25-30 more pounds off. But, my goal for my 21st birthday is to have lost about 15 pounds from where I am now. That gives me about 4 and a half months. I know I can do it! :) Well, I have class soon, and I have rambled long enough. I can't promise long entries like this everytime, but I can attempt to update more!


Blogger Norah said...


Thought I'd leave a comment on your blog so that I can be the first one (heehee). Enjoy writing!

10:36 AM  

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