Here I am...this is me

Monday, February 06, 2006

Where did my weekend go?

I'm sitting in my Monday morning 8am class wondering where my weekend went. I had so many things I wanted to get done this weekend...and not much did get done. It's always kind of disappointing. Anyway, I'm sitting in class listening to my professor ramble on and on and on about Power in Families. Normally this would be interesting, but this professor creeps me out and drives me crazy. He comes up really close to his students and stares them down when he talks and basically has no deadlines for anything and just makes me frustrated. Unfortunately, I have him for 2 classes this semester. It seems to me this is a terrible flash back to last semester with Hansen...she was terrible too! And, I had her for 2 the same 2 classrooms I have this prof. in! So, yeah, I'm attempting to get through all this stuff I have to do, and just take it one day at a time.
I talked to Matt for a half hour last night before I went to bed. He had just gotten off work, and was wide awake. I, on the other hand, was laying in bed half asleep ready to go to bed. It always makes me miss him so much when we talk. But, it's nice to hear from him, especially now that he doesn't have to get up at 3:30am everyday so sometimes, he's a little more awake than he used to be on the phone.
I have a busy week ahead of me mostly because I am going home this coming weekend, and I want to try and get everything done before then so I won't have homework to do over the weekend. I have a feeling I will be seeing a lot of the library coming up soon. Oh wel, I have to get all this stuff done.
Well, I suppose I should listen...


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