Here I am...this is me

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

Well, I am sitting in the library and I know I should be doing homework right now--but as you can see, I'm not. I'm sitting here trying to think of anything and everything I can do to delay homework.
This week has flown by. You may think that is a good thing. I know better. I had a very ambitious "to do" list this week, and as of now, I only have 1 thing crossed off of it--and it's Thursday! I guess this means that I will have to just buckle down and actually do homework when I am in Mankato this weekend. It's really hard for me to do sometimes, because all I want to do when I am home is pretend it's summer and I have no worries. Thankfully, summer is almost here, and I am almost free from this hell called school.
Wendy, Kari and I had a marathon workout session yesterday. We walked to the small lake, ran around the small lake, walked to Maxwell, lifted weights in Maxwell, walked back to the apartment, did tae bo abs, and then collapsed from our 2 hour workout! But boy did I feel good!
Well, time for some lunch!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I can cry if I want to

Well, I can't remember how long it's been since I posted...too long I guess. I just wanted to write in here quick because I'm feeling down and need to write why life sucks. I hate change. If you know me at all, you will know that I am the first to cry when I leave some place or have to change something in my life. Matt and I were talking tonight and he was like, that's how life is--and I know that. But that doesn't mean it doesn't suck.
My brother was here for the night and oh was so hard to say goodbye this morning, not knowing when I'll see him again. I guess I just feel things so intensely that I can't help but be sad when I know that things are not the way the used to be.
When I left Boston, I cried when I said goodbye to my nephew and when I said goodbye to my sister. I cry every weekend when I have to leave Matt and my parents. I don't think this makes me weak, or lame. I think so many people laugh at me because I am like this. My grandma always asks my mom "did Renata cry this time?" I think that's crap. It's my life and I can cry if I want to dammit!
So, the moral of this post is...never underestimate the value of a good cry, change sucks, and summer needs to be here NOW!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

could i BE any more stressed out?

Well, I'm going to make this short and sweet, but I thought I would update a little bit about how out of hand my life is. This week is so fricken insane with school, I can hardly stand it. Basically I have 4 tests, a paper due, and a presentation...need I say more?
I am excited and anxious for my trip next week. It should be intersting and fun to travel with Matt. I have been to Boston a bunch of times, but every time is different, and fun.
Hmm...what else? I'm still working out, and supposedly still losing weight. I got a new scale which was depressing. What's the deal with every single freaking scale being off like 3 lbs from each other. All of a sudden yesterday, from stepping from one scale to the other, I gained 4 lbs...and lost some confidence! :( Oh well. When Amie and I went shopping the other day, I fit into jeans/pants sizes I hadn't in years! That made me feel like all the work was worth it. I've been doing "Fit in 402" for over a month now, and am craving exercise now. I love that feeling.
Anyway, it's time to get ready for my presentation and stuff.
I'll try and post before I go on my trip...we'll see if that works out!