Here I am...this is me

Friday, February 24, 2006

Is it spring break yet?

I need a break from school...seriously, when it's stressful around here, and I'm getting really burned out.
So, I have been still working. I still weigh and measure myself every Wednesday. I got my new Tae Bo video set--I really like it. As of this past Wednesday, I have lost around 14 pounds! I am so proud of myself! I went home this past weekend, and it's always hard to keep up with my working out when I'm home. I usually count walking around, lifting, etc. as working out. It may not seem like it's the best way to exercise. But, I figure, at least I'm not sitting around and doing nothing...right? Wendy and I are still working out a helps to have someone else working with you and motivating you. I feel bad lately because I feel like Wendy thinks I am trying to tell her what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat. I am not trying at all to do that! I guess for me, I am trying to just point out what I bad some things are for you. Oh well...I guess I'll try and keep my mouth shut!
I had a good time at home this weekend...but at the same time, I didn't. Hella stress about people I work with. I hate how caddy people are at work and how I feel like people will be talking behind my back. I hate that I have to worry about that. I like all the guys I work with--they make me laugh and I love how they treat me like one of the guys. Although sometimes they forget I am a girl, and I dont' just "get over" things really fast like they tend to. I will miss working with the guys when they aren't around this summer. It's hard working with Matt sometimes because we have to just put all of our personal thoughts and feelings aside, and act professionally. I understand his professional obligation to work, but sometimes, when I haven't seen him for 2 weeks, I just want him to be a little more friendly!
Anyway...I am in class now, and I should probably be listening. This week is INSANE as is next week!! I have so much to do this week! SO MUCH! I have my sexuality in american society tomorrow, presentation in practice 1 thursday, family roles/relationships test friday...then next week I have my emotions & behaviors paper due tuesday, part 1 of my HB/SE midterm wednesday, Practice 1 midterm thursday, another family roles/relationships test on friday AND part 2 of HB/SE midterm on Friday....
Then, it's finally time to go home, pack and get ready to leave for BOSTON! I'm excited...and nervous to travel with Matt. Anyway...more about that later. Time to listen

Monday, February 20, 2006

yeah yeah yeah...i know, it's been a while

So, I tried to keep updated with this thing and then something called school got in the way, and I had to put this off. Currently I am sitting in class bored out of my mind, talking about personal approaches to conflict resolution...I know, I know--how could I be bored at 8:40am on Monday with a topic so exciting as that?!
I was up until 12:30am or so talking to matt and then my roommates. I am so grateful they were there for me. Sometimes, the going just gets tough, and I need someone to hug me!
The next 3 weeks are going to be hell for me. I have so much to do, and not enough time. I am going home this coming weekend and then after that, it's go time all the way until spring break!
Well, I know it's a short entry, and I'll do my best to update this again soon--

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Awesome news

So, the weigh in was last night. It was the final weigh in for the ELA fitness thing, but definately not my last weigh in. I lost 4 more pounds this past week! That brings me to a total of 8 pounds since January 17th!! Basically, I work out everyday and watch everything I eat. I don't feel starved, ever, which is amazing. And, I feel and (I'd like to think) am starting to look great! So, yeah, that's the biggest thing on my mind as of this moment.
I am heading home tomorrow. I work tomorrow night 6-mid and then Saturday 4-mid. I'll get to see Matt at work, although that's useless, and then over at his place after we both get off work. The weekends always go crazy fast. It's hard to believe that 6 months ago tomorrow Matt and I started dating. He brushes it off as "not that big of deal"...I know different. Inside, he's just as happy as me. He just...shows it different!
I have a bunch of stuff to do today as far as homework goes. I feel like no matter how caught up I think I am, I am hardly caught up at all. It's kind of depressing actually. I just keep looking at the calendar and counting down the days until...1) Our trip to Boston next month for spring break and 2) May 6th, when it is finally SUMMER!!!!
If only the weather would improve! :)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Where did my weekend go?

I'm sitting in my Monday morning 8am class wondering where my weekend went. I had so many things I wanted to get done this weekend...and not much did get done. It's always kind of disappointing. Anyway, I'm sitting in class listening to my professor ramble on and on and on about Power in Families. Normally this would be interesting, but this professor creeps me out and drives me crazy. He comes up really close to his students and stares them down when he talks and basically has no deadlines for anything and just makes me frustrated. Unfortunately, I have him for 2 classes this semester. It seems to me this is a terrible flash back to last semester with Hansen...she was terrible too! And, I had her for 2 the same 2 classrooms I have this prof. in! So, yeah, I'm attempting to get through all this stuff I have to do, and just take it one day at a time.
I talked to Matt for a half hour last night before I went to bed. He had just gotten off work, and was wide awake. I, on the other hand, was laying in bed half asleep ready to go to bed. It always makes me miss him so much when we talk. But, it's nice to hear from him, especially now that he doesn't have to get up at 3:30am everyday so sometimes, he's a little more awake than he used to be on the phone.
I have a busy week ahead of me mostly because I am going home this coming weekend, and I want to try and get everything done before then so I won't have homework to do over the weekend. I have a feeling I will be seeing a lot of the library coming up soon. Oh wel, I have to get all this stuff done.
Well, I suppose I should listen...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

what I should be doing right now

Well, it's Saturday night. I'm not home this weekend, so I have the whole weekend to do homework and catch up on things I haven't done all week, like laundry, cleaning, etc....right? Okay, well, that was the plan--basically, it hasn't gotten done yet. I haven't gotten much done as far as writing up these research write-ups for two of my classes, and haven't read much for any of my, as I write this, I realize how unproductive I really have been thus far.
I can't wait to go home next weekend. I work Friday 4-mid and Saturday 4-mid, but I don't really care--I get to see Matt! And the best part is, he worked Friday and Saturday 3-11pm, so we don't work opposite schedules and we can actually see some of each other during the weekend! This is big news if you've followed my saga of me not seeing him much's been bad! I miss home terribly when I'm in Winona and just count the days until I see him again. I guess I try not to focus too much on that because I really should be thinking about school and what needs to get done here. I am more so focusing on my trip out to Boston for spring break with him!! I am excited and nervous because I am meeting his dad and step-mom for the first time, and he's meeting my sister for the first time. I think it'll be fun for us to be back where he grew up. I want him to show me around to where he lived when he was younger, but I don't know if he'll have time. I haven't seen my sister since October and Matt hasn't seen his dad since January 2005. It's going to be good for him to see his dad again...
Let's see, I ran 2.5 miles yesterday, in about and inch or so of snow. Then this morning I went to the gym again and went on the eliptical trainer for 30 mins, did abs and push-ups and stuff. I felt so good after I got done. I guess tomorrow morning Wendy wants to go running again and then tomorrow night it's hip-hop aerobics time again! I splurged tonight and had DQ with Emmie...I know, I know, I blew it. But, I have been SO good and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO yummy.
Well, I am posting this mostly to procrastinate...and now I am feeling guilty so I better get back to work, or go to bed, or watch a movie...we'll see what happens...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

trying it again

It's time again for a new blog to begin. I have done a diary-x and actually somewhere have another blog. However, I am going to stick with it this time! I'm guessing a few weeks from now, when I haven't updated, and only have two entries, I'll be kicking myself in the butt...but for now I'm optomistic!I am inspired by my sister to start this blog back up. She lives in Boston and we hardly see each other more than once or twice a year, if we're lucky. Things with her and my family has been less than desirable lately...but I guess that's to be expected when she's been going through a divorce. It has challenged me in so many ways, and given me a new view on the world, and on my sister. I had always thought of her as my amazing invincible big sister. She's 11 years older than me, and in my eyes had never done anything wrong in her life. Now, I realize more than ever that she's human too. I'm okay with that--although my parents seem to have a hard time with it. Usually I just have to put on my listening ears with my mom, and tell her everything is going to be fine. Sometimes, I wish I could just fast-forward in time and have my MA in Social Work so I could be good at counseling others and helping them through their problems. I guess my family is my best way to practice until I get the degree.
Other than the drama surrounding my family, I have been focusing most of my time on school, homework, and working. I go home every other weekend to work and try to see my boyfriend. TRY is the key word in that sentence. It's almost like our job has it out for us, considering we tend to get scheduled completely opposite shifts. He blames it on me, I blame it on the system. Matt, my boyfriend is 24 almost 25, I'm 20, and in June will finally hit that landmark we all wait for, 21! He isn't in school and is the assistant grocery manager at CUB Foods at home. I think my parents pretend they don't have a problem with that, but I know they do. I guess I just have to deal with it. I love him, and he loves me...and perhaps love is blind, but for me, I think that's crap because I don't think school or age should ever define who someone is.
Let's see, I'm still on the endless quest to lose weight and get healthy. After a disappointing last semester with my roommates and me not really getting along, and me not really caring, I found myself about 10 pounds heavier than I was in August, and very sad. So, instead of crying about it, I decided it was time to make a change. And that I have. My new roommates and I have started a program "Fit in 402" and have also been participating in the fitness challenge put on by my apartment complex. As of last night, I have lost 4 pounds over the last 2 weeks and I couldnt' be happier. I have working out pretty much 5 times a week, and limiting my caloric intake to about 1500 calories a day. This is probably all mumbo-jumbo to you--but for me it's been exciting and amazing to watch my body transform. I don't really think the scale is always the best measurer of success. My $98 jeans I bought in October need a belt to keep them up (sucks to be me!) and even with the belt they are not the best fit anymore. And, I am finally fitting into jeans I hadn't been able to put on in about 6 months. My ultimate goal, and the image I picture in my mind when I am running or doing crunchies and want to give up, is me looking cute and thinner in the bar on my 21st birthday. My goal weight is about ultimately about 25-30 more pounds off. But, my goal for my 21st birthday is to have lost about 15 pounds from where I am now. That gives me about 4 and a half months. I know I can do it! :) Well, I have class soon, and I have rambled long enough. I can't promise long entries like this everytime, but I can attempt to update more!